Enhance Your Facebook Account Security

Hacking someone’s Facebook account and then posting unacceptable content is the most popular method to take revenge these days. Recently hackers are been active in most areas of India and hacked thousands of  facebook accounts and post unwanted contents. This can happen to anyone and its better to take preventive measures rather to face embarrassing […]

How to Troubleshoot Your Friends’ Computers From Far Away

You’re the computer whiz in your circle of friends and family, which means, inevitably, somebody is going to call for tech support. If you can’t fix it in person, these are the best approaches we’ve found for troubleshooting from far away. With distance being a formidable foe, and without the ability to see the computer […]

Reset Your Mobile Memory Card Password 2 minutes

We usually set password for our memory card for privacy and security, but the common mistake every one does at least once in out life time forgetting password. If you set password for mobile memory card, then you should be not forget the password. If you does then the only option is to formate your […]

Wireless Hacking & its Counter Measures

Wireless networks broadcast their packets using radio frequency or optical wavelengths. A modern laptop computer can listen in. Worse, an attacker can manufacture new packets on the fly and persuade wireless stations to accept his packets as legitimate. The step by step procerdure in wireless hacking can be explained with help of different topics as […]

Tips And Tricks To Protect Yourself From Phishing

Phishing is a variant of “ fishing ”.It is used to bait the users to give out their sensitive information such as credit card information,net banking username and passwords and other important personal and financial information.Now a days social networking sites like facebook and orkut are highly targeted sites.These attacks are mainly carried by using […]