Show Hidden Files and Folders not working

Show Hidden Files and Folders not working..? If we selecte the radio button “Show hidden files and folders” and then press Ok.. the changes would just disappear upon opening the dialog again. It was probably some virus attack after which the Windows registry was not being updated properly. So here is what methods to restore […]

How to disable delete confirmation dialog box in Windows 7

The feature of Windows asking you if you really want to put the files in the Recycle Bin whenever you attempt to delete a file is to stop you from deleting a file by mistake or accident. The delete confirmation dialog box appears every time you give the command of deleting a file. However, there […]

How to create a shortcut for locking the Computer Screen in Windows 7

There are many ways in which you can lock the computer screen. The most popular as well as the fastest way to lock it is to use a keyboard shortcut. The keyboard shortcut used to lock the computer screen is Win+L. A few of us choose to utilize the mouse to lock it. And of […]

Microsoft Releases Tool To Migrate iOS Apps to WP7

Microsoft has been a late entrant to the mobile apps scene and its Windows Marketplace catering to Windows Phone 7 devices has therefore unsurprisingly got just over 10,000 apps as of now. This is nowhere near what application stores of Apple or Google Android or even Samsung have to offer. In an effort to increase […]